Maison Jean Lapointe

For over 40 years, Maison Jean Lapointe has been renowned for its expertise and know-how in treating addictions. Whether it’s alcohol, other substances, gambling, or hyperconnectivity, the organization has made treatment and prevention its driving force.

Maison Jean Lapointe frequently speaks out in the media, whether in response to current events, public health issues, or the launch of new projects. The year 2023 was no exception.

For a second consecutive year, Maison Jean Lapointe enlisted Franchir for their public relations and spokesperson positioning.


  • Position Maison Jean Lapointe as a leader in addiction treatment and prevention, while raising public awareness about the services it offers.
  • Establish Anne Elizabeth Lapointe, Maison Jean Lapointe’s Executive Director, as an expert and key spokesperson for the media.
  • Showcase how Maison Jean Lapointe positively contributes to public health efforts by leveraging its expertise, initiatives, and highlighting its historical impact in Quebec.
  • Encourage traditional media outlets and public figures to speak positively about Maison Jean Lapointe and proactively seek its expertise to delve deeper into social and public health issues.
  • Indirectly increase grants and support for Maison Jean Lapointe’s initiatives.


  • Implement proactive public relations initiatives to support Maison Jean Lapointe’s communication strategy and strengthen its positioning as an expert.
  • Organize a press conference to officially announce Maison Jean Lapointe’s relocation to the Institut Notre-Dame du Bon-Conseil de Montréal.
  • Build long-term relationships with media and journalists by coordinating proactive and reactive interviews with Anne Elizabeth Lapointe, as well as with residents through testimonials.
  • Establish media monitoring to enhance public affairs intelligence and respond when appropriate.


In 2023, Maison Jean Lapointe generated 846 media mentions, highlighting the organization or one of its spokespersons for their expertise on alcoholism, drug addiction, cyber addiction, gambling, and mental health.

These initiatives resulted in a total of 168,058,146 impressions, surpassing 2022 by 200%. A remarkable success!


  • 846 mentions in the media
  • 168,058,146 impressions, surpassing the previous year by 200%
  • 55% of mentions included a quote from a spokesperson
  • 100% of mentions aligned with our key messages, covering:
    • 22.6% on alcoholism
    • 18.7% on gambling
    • 13.4% on substance abuse
    • 42.3% on prevention and awareness
    • 13.4% on the Maison Jean Lapointe relocation
    • 10.4% on the 28-Day Alcohol-Free Challenge

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