India Rosa Griffintown

On the strength of its success in Montreal’s Plateau Mont-Royal neighbourhood, India Rosa officially opened a brand-new branch in Griffintown on January 11, 2023.

The new restaurant has all the ingredients that contributed to its renown – a laidback and unique atmosphere, an Indian fusion menu and cocktails – but now presented in a larger space that can accommodate up to 200 people.

To mark the occasion, FRANCHIR was tasked with inviting public figures, media representatives and influencers, as well as publicizing news of the opening in the public sphere. 

To mark the occasion, FRANCHIR was tasked with inviting public figures, media representatives and influencers, as well as publicizing news of the opening in the public sphere. 


01 – Position India Rosa as THE brunch and dinner destination in Griffintown.

02 – Showcase India Rosa’s added value for foodies by leveraging its distinguishing features, including its ambiance, menu and more.

03 – Incentivize target audiences to talk about India Rosa, especially in the media and ecosystem, and encourage them to consider the restaurant on their next outing.

Public relations strategies

We carried out a classic press campaign involving three (3) distinct steps: media invitation, launch, post-launch.  

  1. BEFORE – We invited the media and influencers, as well as a few public personalities who call Griffintown home, to the opening night as a way to publicize the new location. We also targeted some vegetarian notables, considering that Indian cuisine is known for its meatless dishes. 
    We also negotiated a spot on WKND radio’s lunchtime program, during which one of the restaurant’s co-owners served and presented the menu to the team of hosts consisting of Geneviève Hébert Dumont, Pascal Morissette and Marc-Antoine Nunez.
  2. DURING – As part of the event, held in a 6 to 8 p.m. format, the media and influencers met the chef and owners, and left with a small gift from the establishment that evoked its Indian origins.
  3. AFTER – The very next day, a press release was sent out to relevant media and journalists, particularly in the lifestyle, design and architecture, restaurant and business categories, to maximize the story’s reach. Several pictures were also made available to extend the impact of our efforts.


With the support of public relations, we generated 25 confirmed media mentions, highlighting the opening of INDIA ROSA Griffintown. 

The overall operation generated a total of 10,032,889 impressions, which makes it a success. 


  1. 24 media mentions, including La Presse, Zeste, MTL Blog, Narcity, Silo 57.
  2. 10 million total impressions 
  3. 90% of mentions included the website.
  4. 80% of mentions featured an image.
  5. 80% of mentions referenced key messages. 
  6. 50% of mentions contained a spokesperson quote.

Thanks to the support of public relations, we welcomed over 20 public personalities and influencers on opening night, such as Dany Turcotte, Ludivine Reding, Richardson Zephyr, PO Beaudoin and Pascal Morrissette.

All these public personalities published stories over the course of the evening. The sum of their respective communities amounts to more than 700,000 impressions. 


  1. Average of 3 stories per person 
  2. 710,000 total impressions
  3. 90% of stories included links to India Rosa’s social media.
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